Pinnacle® CTO Cervical Brace

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The Breg Pinnacle CTO and CTO4 braces were developed to provide control through the cervical and thoracic regions. These braces help reduce movement in all three planes of motion – flexion/extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. The CTO & CTO4 are adjustable and provide multiple adjustment points to help ensure support at every step as well as patient comfort.
  • Common Examples of Use
  • Product Features

  • Post-surgical stabilization
  • Cervicothoracic instabilities
  • Fracture management

  • Flexible material zones that minimize pressure points
  • Unique self-centering sternal adjustment allows the brace to shape to each patient’s anatomy
  • Easy to adjust anterior thoracic plate
  • Antimicrobial cotton-hemp blend liners / pads to help prevent skin irritation
  • Extra set of lines/pads included with each brace
  • Ultra-breathable foam padding / liners to reduce perspiration
  • Intuitive, quick donning and doffing waist strap buckles

Coding Disclaimer: The information provided may suggest HCPCS codes and descriptors for Breg products that are based on publicly available information. The primary and final responsibility to determine the correct product coding rests with the billing provider. Please note, where certain products have been reviewed by the PDAC (Medicare Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding) contractor and assigned a specific HCPCS code for Medicare Billing, the PDAC assigned code is the required billing code. Refer to for more information.

Third Party Reimbursement: The purchaser shall be solely responsible for: (i) determining if, and under what circumstance, it can seek third party reimbursement for the product(s); (ii) obtaining, as necessary, third party payer pre-authorizations for the product(s) and (iii) any and all coding, billing, coverage, medical necessity or documentation requirements, and collections of payment from third party payers or patients. Breg accepts no responsibility whatsoever in this regard, nor does Breg make any claims, promises, or guarantees as to the availability of reimbursement for any Breg product.
